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How, where and when to vote today

Today's general election, the eighth since the introduction of party politics and one person, one vote in 1968, has been called the most important in the Island's history.

High clouds and a slight chance of showers are expected. The polls close at 7 p.m. Under the Parliamentary Election Act 1978, employers must give employees time to vote.

There was little Government could do to prepare for the election until the writs for the three-week campaign were issued, Registrar General Mrs. Marlene Christopher told The Royal Gazette yesterday.

But "we have a plan,'' and "we're straight,'' for today, she said.

Government schools are closed today. Some schools are used as polling stations, and teachers make up many of the 360 returning and presiding officers who work on the election.

Government printing, advertising, and manpower costs are estimated at $130,000, up from about $93,000 in 1989.

Today's election is the first since the voting age was reduced to 18 from 21.

To be eligible, voters must be 18-years-old as of tomorrow. Thus, a 17-year-old who turns 18 tomorrow can cast a ballot.

There are 89 candidates running in 20 two-seat constituencies. They include 40 from the United Bermuda Party, 36 from the Progressive Labour Party, eight from the National Liberal Party, and five Independents.

When Parliament was dissolved on September 16, there were 22 UBP, 15 PLP, two Independent, and one NLP MPs. Seven MPs -- one independent and six from the UBP -- are not contesting their seats.

Voters must bring proper identification. A Commonwealth country passport, a Bermuda driver's licence, a Transport Control Department Special Person's Card, and a Bermuda Voter's Card issued within the last ten years are acceptable. The passport and driver's licence can be up to three months out of date.

About 576 ballots were cast before today by people who would be away from Bermuda and those physically unable to attend a polling station, Registrar General Mrs. Marlene Christopher said.

There were 34,506 names on the register of voters completed on June 15. But this morning, a shorter list of eligible registered voters will be completed.

Removed will be names of people who have died or become mentally incapacitated since June 15, and those who are in prison or out on licence.

In 1989, deletions reduced the list of registered voters by about one percent.

POLLING STATIONS St. George's North East End Primary School St. George's South St. David's Primary School Hamilton East Lyceum Building, Wilkinson Avenue Hamilton West Francis Patton School Smith's North Whitney Institute Smith's South Harrington Sound Primary School Devonshire North Prospect Primary School Devonshire South Saltus Cavendish School Pembroke East Victor Scott School Pembroke E. Central Dellwood Primary School Pembroke W. Central Northlands Secondary School Pembroke West Admiralty House Ballroom Paget East Horticultural Hall, Botanical Gardens Paget West Paget Primary School Warwick East Warwick Academy Warwick West Warwick Secondary School Southampton East Heron Bay Primary School Southampton West Southampton Glebe School Sandys North Somerset Primary School Sandys South St. James Church Hall.