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Inquiry has no comment on TV report

further on a Bermuda Broadcasting Company news report on Police Commissioner Colin Coxall's evidence to the in-depth probe.

A statement issued on behalf of the Commission said: "The Commission, having considered the matter in respect to the reporting of the evidence heard before the Commission, do not propose to make any further comment.'' The move came after Commission chairman Telford Georges ordered the TV station to produce a transcript of an interview with Attorney General Elliott Mottley broadcast on Wednesday night.

On Thursday, Commission counsel Kim White took at swing at the station and said it had "mischaracterised'' the evidence from Mr. Coxall.

He added that a reference by Mr. Coxall about "inexperienced'' prosecutors had been taken out of context.

And Mr. White said: "The public has a right to expect that reporting is done accurately and when it's not it causes great concern.''