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Jamaican sisters admits cocaine smuggling charge

Court yesterday to importing cocaine into Bermuda.Marlene A. St. John, 21, and Theresa A. St John, 17, were remanded in custody pending social inquiry and psychiatric reports.

Court yesterday to importing cocaine into Bermuda.

Marlene A. St. John, 21, and Theresa A. St John, 17, were remanded in custody pending social inquiry and psychiatric reports.

Defence lawyer Mr. Archibald Warner said the reports were needed for personal and other "compelling social reasons''.

"One of the defendants had a miscarriage while in custody and she is suffering postnatal symptoms,'' Mr. Warner said.

"We need more than the normal three weeks to get the necessary information from overseas where they come from.'' They will appear for mention on September 7.

Also at the monthly arraignments in Supreme Court yesterday: A 41-year-old Paget man charged with murdering his 10-month-old daughter was scheduled to reappear for mention on September 7.

He is also charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent to burn the child on May 29, 1991.

Daniel Anthony Jerome Cann, represented by Mr. Delroy Duncan, did not enter a plea.

His $30,000 bail was extended.

Dwayne Robert Young, 28, and Reid Charles Robinson, 30, both of Hamilton faced charges of robbing Henry Charles of his wallet containing $6 on March 28.

Robinson, who was sick and not present to enter a plea, will be dealt with later.

Young, who is represented by Mr. Warner, pleaded not guilty to robbing Charles and will appear for mention on September 7.

Verna Lee Walker and Barry Stanley Wellman pleaded not guilty to possessing and handling cocaine with intent to supply between December 27 and 29, 1992.

Each was released on $5000 bail with one surety.

Walker is represented by Mr. Warner, and Wellman by Mr. Richard Hector. The two accused will appear for mention on September 7.

A 30-year-old Pembroke man pleaded not guilty to unlawfully wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and causing grievous bodily harm to Brian Oatley.

Craig Nolan Astwood is alleged to have committed the offences on March 23. He was freed on $1000 bail with one surety and is scheduled to appear for mention on September 7.

A trial was set for a 23-year-old Devonshire man charged with assault with intent to rape, indecent assault of a woman, and burglary with intent to commit a felony.

Mr. Edward Bailey, appearing for the accused, asked for bail to be extended.

The trial is tentatively scheduled for October 11.

A 19-year-old man who pleaded guilty to importing cocaine into Bermuda was remanded in custody pending a social inquiry report.

Quincy Randon Santucci of Mount Hill, Pembroke was told by Puisne Judge the Hon. Mr. Justice Ward that sentencing would take place on August 31.

Santucci is represented by Mr. Timothy Marshall.

Roger Eugene Lightbourne, 25, pleaded not guilty to robbing Harold and Brenda Chisholm with a knife on October 26.

He also denied stealing a motorcycle owned by Dennis Maynard between October 26 and 30.

Lightbourne, represented by Mr. Archibald Warner, was remanded in custody until September 7.

A Pembroke man pleaded not guilty to 62 currency offences.

Gregory Ryan Ashby, of Berkeley Road, allegedly purchased foreign currency on 31 separate occasions and said the sums were needed for travel. He allegedly neither travelled nor returned the foreign cash.

Represented by Mr. Warner, he was released on $25,000 bail and will appear for mention on September 7.

Imprisoned lawyer Lawrence John Madeiros, charged with making payments outside Bermuda without permission of the Monetary Authority, was scheduled for trial on September 27. A November 8 trial date was set for a 60-year-old Pembroke man charged with assault with intent to commit rape and indecent assault of a woman. He was represented by Mr. Warner.

An October 11 trial date was set for a 42-year-old Sandys man charged with rape, unlawful carnal knowledge of a girl under 14, and indecent assault of a girl under 14.

Remanded in custody, he is represented by lawyer Miss Patricia Harvey.

A Pembroke man was remanded in custody pending his trial tentatively scheduled for August 30.

He is charged with having unlawful carnal knowledge of a girl under 16.