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Janitor catches fish no. 2

For the second time in five days, City Hall janitor Mr. John Adcock has netted himself a two-foot-long black-bellied pacu from the lily pond outside City Hall.

Last Friday, Mr. Adcock caught the first of what was believed to be a pair while he was carrying out his regular morning cleaning of the pool. He had been trying to nab the critters, which can grow as heavy as 55 pounds, since someone dumped them in the pond more than a month ago.

On Tuesday, Mr. Adcock scooped up the second pacu in the same accidental manner as the first, prompting Corporation of Hamilton Secretary Mr. Roger Sherratt to say: "We are very pleased that Mr. Adcock has finally succeeded in catching the pair. He's been trying for six weeks.'' Like the first, this week's catch has been sent to Tropical Fish World in Southampton. Owner Mr. James Tavares said last week he would have no trouble selling any additional finds.

The pacu (pronounced pack-ooh) is a South American freshwater fish that feeds on berries as they fall into rivers. Although vegetarian in nature, they will feed on other fish if deprived of their regular food.