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Jones on American diabetes

The Burden of Diabetes in the United States About 13 million Americans have diabetes, of whom about 6.5 million (about 2.6% of the population) have been diagnosed.

Between 1985 and 1990, the annual number of new cases of diabetes averaged more than 665,000.

In 1990, diabetes contributed to more than 162,000 deaths and ranked seventh among the leading causes of death in the United States.

Americans with diabetes not only face a shortened life span but also suffer from many preventable diabetes-related complications each year: 54,000..........lower-extremity amputations 13,332..........new cases of end-stage renal disease (kidney failure) 15,000-39,000...new cases of blindness 3.3 million.....persons with long-term reduction in normal activity 2.8 million.....hospitalisations among persons with diabetes, including 896,000 hospitalisations due to cardio-vascular disease.

The direct (medical care) and indirect (lost productivity) cost of diabetes in the United States was estimated to be $91.8 billion in 1992.