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`Kleptomaniac' admits break-ins

admitted two counts of burglary in Magistrates' Court yesterday.Senior Magistrate Will Francis yesterday ordered the former St. Brendan's Hospital patient be sent to Supreme Court after hearing Burrows had an extensive record of similar offences.

admitted two counts of burglary in Magistrates' Court yesterday.

Senior Magistrate Will Francis yesterday ordered the former St. Brendan's Hospital patient be sent to Supreme Court after hearing Burrows had an extensive record of similar offences.

Burrows, 42, of Roberts Avenue, Devonshire, admitted breaking and entering a house on Langton Hill, Pembroke and stealing a camera and stereo worth $2,200 on June 17.

Burrows, who was arrested on June 20, told Police he had sold the property to a man on St. Monica's Road in Pembroke.

Prosecutor Sgt. Anthony Mouchette said Burrows also asked for help, telling Police: "I am a kleptomaniac.'' A week later, Burrows broke into Attitudes night club on Reid Street.

Sgt. Mouchette said an employee at the club heard some noises which woke him from his sleep in the early morning hours.

The employee found there was a hole in the roof and the door had been broken.

Burrows was found in a back room by Police and taken to Hamilton Police Station. Mr. Francis remanded Burrows in custody.