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Lawyer launches second libel suit

lawsuit against The Royal Gazette .Mr. Hall issued a writ on Thursday seeking damages and aggravated damages in Supreme Court for the newspaper's printing of a letter under the pseudonym "Out of Debt''.

lawsuit against The Royal Gazette .

Mr. Hall issued a writ on Thursday seeking damages and aggravated damages in Supreme Court for the newspaper's printing of a letter under the pseudonym "Out of Debt''.

Mr. Hall said he planned to include the writer of the letter in his action and had requested the person's full name and address.

But The Royal Gazette Editor Mr. David L. White said names and addresses of people who write to the newspaper were "held in the strictest of confidence''.

"This is the first time in 30 years that I have known anyone try to stop the public's freedom of expression as exercised in letters to the Editor of The Royal Gazette ,'' Mr. White stated.

Mr. Hall, in a statement to the media released on Thursday, said the letter in question contained a "disgusting and cowardly attack upon me''.

"Surely, like every other professional on the Island, I am entitled to be protected from this kind of negative advertising which is bound to have the effect of keeping clients away from my office and discouraging all forms of business or commercial association with me,'' Mr. Hall, a member of the Progressive Labour Party, said.

He stressed he had no problem with "the most strident criticism'' of his political views and comments.

Mr. Hall said he would take further legal action against the newspaper if it failed to supply him with the name of the person who wrote "Out of Debt''.

"I will get their identity even if it is by court order,'' he said. "It is very important to me because the author of the letter is the originator of what I think is a clear libel.''