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Learning to adjust to life in the classroom

father driving me to school and taking me to a large unfamiliar assembly hall where all the first graders had to assemble and wait for their assigned teachers. I remember my father sitting me down and giving me a hug and a kiss and then leaving to go to work.

As he walked away, I began to feel lonely in the unfamiliar surroundings and I could feel my eyes tearing slowly. Just as I felt those tears ready to burst, that I was trying to hold back ever so strongly, I looked up and saw my father which made me feel 99 percent better and made a big long grin appear on my face.

As I adjusted to my new surroundings I met new people and developed new friends. The one thing that I could not take, I mean that was just unbearable, was the fact that my older sister, who was in year seven was appointed to be my prefect. You can't imagine what humiliation that was for me. It was so funny, I got all the licks. At first I felt happy to have my sister as a prefect. But, that attitude soon disappeared when I realised that I was not going to get away with murder. I suddenly had a drastic attitude change. I guess that was the worst year of elementary school.

As the years passed and I moved from the junior years to the senior years, I grew and matured. I was always a bright student and always at the top of the class. I never talked back to the teachers. I didn't get into trouble that often. I was very bossy towards my peers. I had lots of friends, but I always wanted to be in charge. When lunch hour came I always wanted to be the leader, because I always acted older.

I had a very productive childhood and I had plenty of support from my family.

I read poems in school contests and participated in inter-school sports. I entered artwork in the art exhibitions and enjoyed taking part in fashion and talent shows put on by the school. I guess the highlight of my elementary days was when I was chosen as Head Girl of West End Primary.

Now, in high school and looking back it seems all so easy. It was a big adjustment coming to high school. I became less bossy and more calm. It seems as if I am not at the top of the class any longer and I'm struggling to get up there.

I plan to pull up my grades and finish Berkeley with flying colours.

ROBYN SIMMONS 4R Berkeley Institute