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Leave my family alone, pleads Allason

telephoned The Royal Gazette yesterday to ask that his family in Bermuda be left in peace.The lone Tory to miss the crucial votes on the Maastricht Treaty denied he was on the Island,

telephoned The Royal Gazette yesterday to ask that his family in Bermuda be left in peace.

The lone Tory to miss the crucial votes on the Maastricht Treaty denied he was on the Island, but would not say where he was hiding. Mr. Allason said his wife Nicole was being harassed by reporters at his Tucker's Town home bordering the Mid Ocean Golf Club.

"I'd very much appreciate it if you would leave my family alone,'' he said.

"I'm not in Bermuda and I don't know when I will be next visiting.

"I've no intention of getting involved in a media circus.'' The Royal Gazette only contacted Mrs. Allason on Friday, but stringers for the British dailies have made numerous visits and telephone calls to the shoreline retreat.

Mr. Allason hinted he would return to the House of Commons tomorrow. But although the Government was not defeated, reports indicated that his failure to show for Friday's vote of confidence had killed his political career.

He told reporters he was surprised to learn he was the only MP to miss the Maastricht votes, and termed his absence "a mistake that I will regret.'' Although he sent letters of apology to Prime Minister John Major and Chief Whip Mr. Richard Ryder, London's Daily Mail reported yesterday Mr. Allason faced severe retribution from his party.

It was likely Mr. Allason -- who writes spy novels under the pen name Nigel West -- would not again be allowed to run for the Conservatives in his constituency of Torbay.

Mr. Johnnie Johnson, the Conservative party chairman in Torbay, told the Mail Mr. Allason's behaviour was "disgraceful.'' "If he cannot bring himself to support the party and Government, then he shouldn't be a Conservative,'' Mr. Johnson said.

On Friday Mrs. Allason told reporters in Bermuda she had not been in touch with her husband and had no idea when she expected to hear from him.

"He is not on the Island. I have not been in touch with him so I do not know where he is,'' she said. "I have no idea why he missed the vote.'' "I only expect to hear from him when he is coming out here.'' Yesterday Mrs. Allason refused to talk to stringers. A woman who answered the door of her Bermuda home said the MP's wife was "fed up'' with the media attention.

"She's got nothing more to say,'' said the woman. "She's had people knocking on the door and telephone calls at 4.00 in the morning. She just wants to be left alone.'' Mr. Rupert Allason.