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Lemay to name his successor

the year who will replace him when he leaves his post next April.

He will recommend that one of four senior officers working in the Service at the moment takes over the top job after his three-year contract comes to a close.

The Royal Gazette understood that Mr. Lemay was under pressure to recommend his replacement.

But a Police spokesman said yesterday: "The Commissioner will be making known to Government his selection before the end of the year.'' He said there were no outside candidates, only the four most senior officers in the service, besides Mr. Lemay.

They are Acting Deputy Commissioner Jonathan Smith, Acting Assistant Commissioner George Jackson, and Superintendents Gertrude Barker and Vic Richmond.

All four officers have acted as Assistant Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner.

Mountie Mr. Lemay was appointed Commissioner in 1998 by Governor Thorold Masefield.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police gave its blessing to an extension to Mr.

Lemay's original 18-month stint on the Island to allow him to take over the top job.

But it was promised at the time that a special interview and training scheme to identify Bermudian officers capable of filling the top posts would continue.

The appointment of Mr. Lemay followed six months of uncertainty in Bermuda after former Commissioner Colin Coxall quit his post early.

Minister for Labour, Home Affairs and Public Safety Paula Cox was not available for comment last night.