Lobster changes
forthcoming sport diving lobster season and indicated a number of changes to this year's licensing procedure.
The sport diving season commences on September 1 and runs through March 31, 1997. Licensed divers are permitted to take two spiny lobsters during any 24-hour period by using a noose.
No scuba or breathing apparatus is permitted; all lobsters must be caught by free diving. There is also a minimum size of 92mm (35 inches) carapace length for spiny lobsters.
All applicants must apply using a revised application form which will consist of a current identification photograph in addition to general details.
Persons over the age of 12 who can certify they are competent free divers and are able to use a noose properly may apply for the lobster diver's licence between 8:45 a.m. and 5 p.m. at the Fisheries Division, Coney Island, from August 5 to 30, inclusive.
A licensing fee of $120.00 is required at the time.
It is emphasised that licences are issued to sport divers for recreational purposes only and it is illegal for sport divers to sell, trade or barter any spiny lobsters they have caught.
Individuals who were lobster divers during the 1995/96 season are reminded that all statistic forms must be submitted prior to the application deadline.
Failure to do so may render one ineligible for a licence for the upcoming year.
Application forms and copies of the terms and conditions applying to this fishery can be obtained from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries at the Botanical Gardens, Paget, and Coney Island. For further information call 293-1785.