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Magistrate levies $10,500 fine against dog owner

A 26-year-old Warwick man will have to pay more than $10,000 in fines after his dogs bred behind his back and had 12 puppies.

Keith McPherson, of Camp Hill, pleaded guilty in Magistrates' Court yesterday to three charges arising from breeding his two Pitbull Terriers. He was fined $5,500 for breeding dogs without a licence, $2,500 for keeping more than two dogs without permission, and another $2,500 for keeping 12 unlicensed puppies.

The maximum fine he could have received for the combined offences was $17,500.

The dogs were seized by the dog warden after they were seen roaming on Government property in Southampton on July 13.

McPherson, who claimed that he did not intentionally breed the dogs, said: "My female came on heat earlier than normal and these two dogs are like husband and wife.

"And I didn't realise that she was pregnant until two weeks before the puppies were born because she kept her figure.

"I was negligent, but I did the best I could after I found out what had happened.

"I didn't try to hide it from anyone. I contacted the SPCA and Ettrick Animal Hospital to see what should be done.'' And McPherson told the court that he did not intend to sell the puppies, allegedly worth some $700.

"It wasn't as if I was trying to do it sneakily or behind closed doors,'' he said.

He also disputed legislation which requires all dogs to be licensed, claiming that puppies are not dogs.

"I ask that you give me a lot of leniency when you give me my spanking,'' he told Magistrate Edward King. "In the future I will follow the law to its full extent.'' Mr. King said: "I cannot overlook the gravity of these offences for which the law has laid down heavy penalties.

"The SPCA has no jurisdiction in these matters and the fact that you did not intend to breed the dogs is also irrelevant.'' But Mr. King refused to say whether McPherson would get his dogs back and told the dog owner he must obtain a permit.

The total amount of fines must also be paid by next June.