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Man blames drink after attack on policeman

in Par-La-Ville Park, Magistrates' Court heard yesterday.Police reinforcements had to be called as the man continued to struggle before a crowd of schoolchildren, Sgt. Wilbert McLean, prosecuting, said.

in Par-La-Ville Park, Magistrates' Court heard yesterday.

Police reinforcements had to be called as the man continued to struggle before a crowd of schoolchildren, Sgt. Wilbert McLean, prosecuting, said.

But Llewellyn Patrick Simmons claimed his mind had "blanked out'' -- and he had not realised it was a Policeman arresting him.

He told Senior Magistrate the Wor. Will Francis he always suffered blackouts after drinking.

Sgt. McLean said Simmons was one of three men seen lying on the grass last Friday afternoon, apparently asleep.

Two moved on when asked, but Simmons, who smelt of alcohol, began swearing.

"A lot of children had gathered in the area and were witnessing the behaviour.'' said Sgt. McLean.

The officer tried to handcuff Simmons but he grabbed his radio and ripped his shirt, later kicking him in the mid-section, added Sgt. McLean.

"The officer called for help, and Simmons was finally restrained.'' Simmons admitted using offensive words, violently resisting a Police officer, assaulting an officer, and causing $23.83 worth of damage to the shirt.

He was jailed for a month on each count, to run concurrently.

Simmons, of no fixed abode, told Mr. Francis he had fractured his skull in 1967 and now suffered blackouts after drinking. He had not realised the officer was a Policeman.

Mr. Francis asked Simmons: "Has it ever occurred to you that since you have blackouts when you drink you should stop drinking?''