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Man broke into regiment canteen

breaking into the Bermuda Regiment's Warwick Camp canteen and stealing over $575 in beverages and food.

Reymon Antione White of Middle Road pleaded guilty to the offences in Magistrates' Court.

The court heard that between 9 p.m. on January 31 and 9 a.m. the next day, the 20-year-old broke into a bathroom on the Warwick Camp property by forcing open the window, thus gaining access to the canteen.

He removed substantial quantities of beer, soda, malt drinks, cigarettes, peanuts, potato chips and sausages in the raid.

Police enquiries led to White and another man, who pleaded not guilty in court yesterday. None of the goods were recovered.

White will be sentenced in three weeks. His alleged accomplice is scheduled to stand trial in July.

WARN CUSTOMERS ABOUT SPEAR FISHING CTS Warn customers about spear fishing A youth convicted of spearing fish has called on fishing tackle shops to warn customers about the law.

Jose Beek, 18, Orrick Smith, 21, and Nyquill Lambert, 20, were each fined $100 in Magistrates' Court yesterday for spear fishing in Brackish Pond Flat. Crown Counsel Mr. Mark Pettingill, prosecuting, said a fisheries warden saw them on September 13 last year, wearing masks and snorkels and diving repeatedly.

The warden saw a spear hanging over the side of the vessel. Inside were a freshly speared lobster, an angel fish and two grey snappers.

Smith and Beek, of Warwick, admitted spear fishing within a mile of the shore.

Lambert, of Devonshire, also admitted spear fishing a lobster and not having a lobster licence, for which he got a year's conditional discharge. "I didn't know that we had have a licence for the lobster,'' he said.

Beek told the court: "The shops that sell these spears, they should have some information to tell people when they buy them.'' "I agree with you,'' Magistrate the Wor. John Judge replied. "I do think you've got a good point.'' MAN SHOCKED BY COCAINE FIND CTS Man shocked by cocaine find A Pembroke man claims he was shocked when Police found cocaine while they were searching his pockets.

Carl Livingston Eugene Darrell, 35, of Middle Town Road, says he has been getting treatment for drug addiction.

And he told Magistrates' Court that he did not realise that the wrap of cocaine was in his pocket when Police searched him.

He said the 0.08 grams of 75 percent pure cocaine had probably been there a long time, from the period he was using it regularly.

Prosecuting, Sgt. Kenrick James said that Darrell had been arrested by Police in Middle Town Road concerning another matter.

Sgt. James said: "They found a small brown paper twist containing a small hard object. It contained two small pieces of a white crystal substance.

"When questioned by officers he said: `You did not find that on me. I know nothing about that'.'' Darrell said: "At the time I did not know it was in my pocket. I had been doing drugs and getting help for it. That had been in there for a while.'' Senior Magistrate the Wor. Will Francis fined Darrell $150.

TRAFFIC WARNING TFC Traffic warning Motorists are being urged to avoid the Court Street/Church Street junction.

Traffic will be disrupted for most of the week as Belco and Telco workmen lay cables.

WAll DEMOLISHED CRM Wall demolished Police are investigating the mysterious destruction of a wall which occurred on Saturday.

Traffic officers believe the wall, on Harrington Sound Road, near Lemington Cave, was demolished during a road accident.

Fifteen feet of the boundary wall was knocked down during the incident and Police are appealing for witnesses.

Anyone with information can contact Acting Sgt. Walkes at the Traffic Division.