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Man fined $1,000 for verbal abuse of '911 operator

Kevin Stokes of Rose Gardens pleaded guilty to making a telephone call without declaring his identity and with intent to abuse.

Magistrates' Court yesterday.

Kevin Stokes of Rose Gardens pleaded guilty to making a telephone call without declaring his identity and with intent to abuse.

Police Sgt. Peter Giles, prosecuting, said the incident covered a series of telephone calls beginning at 1.56 a.m. last August 15.

An emergency operator answered the first call to hear "nothing said other than some noise like burping or something,'' Sgt. Giles told Acting Magistrate Mrs. Charles-Etta Simmons.

On the second call, the operator heard a man say he wanted something done about the noise around his home.

He then urged the operator to get off her lazy, large behind and do something about it.

When asked to identify himself, the man said: "You don't need to know.'' The call was later traced to 3 Rose Gardens. But it wasn't until the following Sunday that Police went to the address and spoke to Stokes, who confirmed his address and telephone number.

Sgt. Giles said several Police officers listened to the taped 911 call and identified the caller as Stokes.

Stokes told Mrs. Simmons there was a lot of noise pollution at Rose Gardens and that not much had been done to prevent it.

"These people have loud parties to the early hours,'' he said. "It is very annoying at that time not to be able to get to sleep.'' Stokes agreed with the Acting Magistrate that the noise didn't give him the right to abuse a 911 operator.

"It won't happen again,'' he said.

But Mrs. Simmons dismissed Sgt. Giles' comment that the offence was "more of a nuisance than anything.'' She pointed out that the offence empowered the courts to imprison someone up to one year and/or fine up to $2,000.

She said there was no need to call 911 when Stokes could have spoken sensibly to the Police.

"You could have caused a delay in the receipt of another 911 call,'' she said. "I'm going to fine you $1,000.