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Man fined for possessing cannabis

Sean Anthony Hunt, 33, of Fractious Street, pleaded guilty in Magistrates' Court to possessing 0.44 grams of the drug on October 31 last year.

Police prosecutor Sgt. Phil Taylor said Police were patrolling on North Shore Road around 12.37 a.m. when they saw Hunt sitting on a wall by a bus shelter.

Upon further investigation, the officers noticed a dark figure standing behind Hunt which caused them to suspect the men were involved in a drug deal.

The officers approached the men and searched them under the Misuse of Drugs Act.

A small paper twist containing plant material was found in Hunt's top left overall pocket while nothing was found on the other man.

Duty counsel Juliana Jack asked Senior Magistrate Will Francis to consider, when sentencing Hunt, his previously clean criminal record and his remorse.

Hunt was given two weeks to pay the fine.