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Man hurt in botched robbery

off two robbers, one armed with a machete, who tried to hold up his store.Anthony Aguiar, who owns the Harrington Hundreds grocery store in Smith's,

off two robbers, one armed with a machete, who tried to hold up his store.

Anthony Aguiar, who owns the Harrington Hundreds grocery store in Smith's, underwent emergency surgery last night after receiving extensive stab wounds in his side and back during the attack.

A King Edward VII Memorial Hospital spokeswoman said his condition was satisfactory following the operation.

The robbery happened at the store just before 7 p.m. last night when the two robbers burst in and began demanding a cashier to open her till.

But Mr. Aguiar, a karate expert, stepped in and began fending off the attackers.

Although he managed to chase them out of the store and take a note of the robbers' getaway bike registration number, he was wounded in the scuffle.

One staff member, who did not wish to be named, said: "I was in an aisle helping a customer when I suddenly saw everyone running, saying that the store was being robbed. I just ran with them.

"Mr. Aguiar managed to chase these two men out but he was cut down his side.

I just hope he's going to be okay.'' The two attackers escaped from the scene empty handed on a stolen bike, which was later recovered by Police.

Detectives arrived at the scene shortly after the incident and cordoned off the store entrance. They also began taking statements from key eye-witnesses.

Last night a Police spokeswoman confirmed that Mr. Aguiar had been injured in the attack and that Police were now hunting down the two robbers.

"The investigation is still at a very early stage,'' she said.

"The description we have of the first man is that he was wearing a purple scarf over his face and a white crash helmet. We don't have a description of the second man.

"At this stage we don't believe that anything was stolen.

"We are appealing for witnesses to come forward with information.'' The spokeswoman refused to comment on whether or not Police condoned Mr.

Aguiar's bravery.