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Man kicks woman with baby in lap

hospital ward with her baby in her lap was sent to prison for six months yesterday."I can't believe you attacked a woman with a child in her lap!,''said Senior Magistrate the Wor. Will Francis,

hospital ward with her baby in her lap was sent to prison for six months yesterday.

"I can't believe you attacked a woman with a child in her lap!,''said Senior Magistrate the Wor. Will Francis, noting that attacks in the hospital were becoming a serious problem.

Gamiel Dennis Richardson, 22, of Serpentine Road, admitted unlawful assault causing bodily harm.

Prosecutor Sgt. Donald Grant said that last November 27, Richardson, accompanied by his new girlfriend, visited his ex-girlfriend Natasha Hudson at the hospital.

When Richardson left the room, a heated argument took place between the two women. And when Richardson returned, he lashed out at Hudson, who was sitting in a chair with her baby in her lap.

Richardson kicked Hudson in the forehead, causing the back of her head to strike the wall.

"I was provoked,'' Richardson said in his defence. "She kicked me in my privates several times.'' BURGLAR SENT TO JAIL FOR 2 1 YEARS CTS Burglar sent to jail for 21 years A two-and-a-half-year prison sentence was handed down this week to a 31-year-old Pembroke man.

Rick Simmons, of Cobbs Hill Road, pleaded guilty to two charges of breaking and entering.

Prosecutor Sgt. Donald Grant said that, on February 20, Simmons -- who had a nine-month suspended prison sentence hanging over his head -- tried to break into a house on Middle Road in Paget.

The complainant returned home after going out for lunch, said Sgt. Grant, to find Simmons crouching outside her bathroom window.

It was also charged that, on March 16, Simmons broke into a house on Windgap Lane in Paget with intent to steal.

Sgt. Grant said Simmons broke into the house by climbing in through a side window. He was spotted by workmen who were on the roof of the house next door.

Simmons was sentenced to nine months in prison for the first offence, and a year for the second.

The nine-month suspended prison sentence was also activiated. The sentences are to run consecutively.

ADDICT STOLE TO SUPPORT HABIT CTS Addict stole to support habit A homeless man who admitted breaking into Montrose Substance Abuse Centre and stealing items to support his drug habit has been sent to prison for nine months.

Garth John Hayward, 27, pleaded guilty to breaking and entering at the centre between March 3 and 6.

He stole a CD player worth $450 and a compact disc valued at $21.

Hayward also admitted stealing a PTB paycheque for $487.34 from Katherine Landy; making a false document; fraudulently and falsely uttering the cheque and inducing a bank employee to deliver the money.

And he pleaded guilty to breaking into Sunrise Restaurant on Camp Hill Road, Southampton, and stealing $10.44 worth of food.

Hayward said he was high when he committed the offences.

"So the root of all your problems is your addiction,'' said Senior Magistrate the Wor. Will Francis. "You're still young. You can get it out of you. But you have to suffer the consequences. You've got to face up to the fact you have a problem.'' DRUNK DRIVER STOPPED BY POLICE CTS Drunk driver stopped by Police A Paget man spotted walking to his motorcycle in the early hours was later pulled over by Police for drunk driving.

Stuart Aubrey, 28, of Dudley Hill, Paget, pleaded guilty to impaired driving.

Prosecutor Sgt. Donald Grant said that, on February 24, officers in a marked Police car stationed on Front Street had their attention drawn to Aubrey, who was walking to his bike at about 3 a.m.

Aubrey got on his cycle and drove off in a westerly direction. The officers followed, suspecting drunk driving. They eventually stopped him on Queen Street.

When asked if he had been drinking, Aubrey replied, "Damn right!'' A specimen of breath was taken, with a result of 200 milligrams in 100 millilitres of blood.

Aubrey was fined $450 and taken off the road for 12 months.