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Man `Spat' at court offical

park and told him to "go back to court'' where he belonged.Tracey Kelly, the court administrator, was testifying yesterday at the trial of Terrance Darrell Flood, 40, of Frog Lane, Devonshire.

park and told him to "go back to court'' where he belonged.

Tracey Kelly, the court administrator, was testifying yesterday at the trial of Terrance Darrell Flood, 40, of Frog Lane, Devonshire.

Flood is charged with offensive behaviour and assault against Kelly. Both offences allegedly occurred in the car park of the Transport Control Department last December 31.

The Crown presented its case before Senior Magistrate the Wor. Will Francis.

Flood, who was unrepresented, is to present his defence today.

Kelly, of Langton Hill, told the court he took his car to TCD on North Street just before 8.30 a.m. on December 31. The car had to be inspected so its licence could be renewed, he said.

Because it was the end of the year, the car park was extremely congested, but "I found a spot and parked my car,'' Kelly said.

As soon as he got out of the car, an angry Flood approached and began shouting and waving his arms. "When I withdrew back to the vehicle, he came up into my face so close that the saliva from his mouth was landing on me,'' Kelly said.

At that point, Kelly "gently pushed'' Flood away from him, he testified.

Flood wanted him to move his car. But Kelly said he was parked in a proper bay, and other cars parked in the travelling lane were causing the congestion problem. "No one could really go anywhere,'' he said.

"I had told him to ask the other people to move who weren't in bays.'' But, "I was the only person he was shouting at.'' Kelly said he shouted for someone to call the Police. At one point, another man approached and said he was not going to hold Flood back a second time, Kelly said.

Flood had been waving his arms like he wanted to box, he said. "Most certainly, I felt threatened, not only by what he said, but by his actions.

One of the things that the accused did say was that I should go back to court where I belong.'' Flood finally appeared to calm down and moved away toward the TCD building. At that point, Kelly left on a motorcycle with his girlfriend, Pearl Trott. After checking in at Magistrates' Court, he went to the Police station and reported the incident.

In cross-examining Kelly, Flood produced photographs and asked Kelly if he recalled being parked illegally across yellow lines. Kelly agreed the photos could have been taken at the TCD car park, but denied he parked across yellow lines.

Kelly also denied spitting on Flood. Trott said Flood was verbally abusive towards her.

W.P.c. Sharnita Tankard testified Kelly and Trott attended Hamilton Police station and reported the incident shortly before noon the same day.