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Man stabbed at Clay House

The 21-year-old man, who was knifed at the Clay House Inn around 3 a.m.yesterday, was recovering from liver wounds on a general ward at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital.


The 21-year-old man, who was knifed at the Clay House Inn around 3 a.m.

yesterday, was recovering from liver wounds on a general ward at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital.

A Police spokesman said one theory was that he had been attacked from behind.

A 19-year-old man was in custody and helping Police with enquiries, the spokesman added. Both men were from Pembroke.

The stabbing was one of a series of dramas making a busy weekend for emergency services.

Police are also investigating two cycle smashes they believed could be pack-racing incidents.

At around 3.30 a.m. yesterday two bikes were in a crash on Palmetto Road. Two youths, a 21-year-old from Devonshire and a 19-year-old from Smith's Parish, were in hospital with facial cuts.

Police were also alerted after a cycle crashed into temporary traffic lights, also on Palmetto Road. But when they arrived the bike had been abandoned by the rider.

At around 1 p.m. yesterday a local family were rescued from choppy waters near Watford Bridge after their rented Boston whaler overturned.

The family, including young children, were uninjured and managed to recover most of their belongings -- except for a video camera, it is believed.

Marine Police were called after they were spotted by a local pleasure boat.

They were taken back to Mangrove Marina, Somerset, where they had rented the craft.

"It's the first time I can ever recall a Boston whaler capsizing,'' said marina owner Mr. Tony Roache.

"They're recognised for being exceptionally stable boats. I couldn't believe it when I heard it.'' The family had hired craft from him before, he said.

"They were warned to avoid Watford Bridge because it could get choppy, but they evidently decided they would be all right.

"They said they were going slowly, approaching Watford Bridge, when the front of the boat dug into a wave and they flipped over.

"Another boat that was out there picked them up, and Marine Police were very helpful.

"There was no damage to people and no damage to the boat. They weren't anxious or shook up, they all seemed very calm and relaxed.'' Harbour Radio reported another incident involving a rental craft -- at around 2 p.m. on Saturday.

The sailing boat, with five people on board, got into difficulty off Boaz Island and was towed to safety by the ferry Patience .

Six hours later, Marine Police were called to a vessel that had broken down in Port Royal Bay. The craft, with six people on board, was towed back to dock.

Yesterday morning nine firefighters put out a blaze on the lower floor of a house on Glebe Road, apparently derelict.

And just after 2 p.m. they went to a false alarm at Camden, the Premier's official residence. The Premier was not in the building at the time.