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Man who blamed cousin for traffic offences fined

yesterday pleaded guilty to the charges.Dion Young, of Mission Heights, Paget, first entered a not guilty plea in Magistrates' Court last week to charges of speeding on a Honda motorcycle at 72 kph, driving without a driver's licence,

yesterday pleaded guilty to the charges.

Dion Young, of Mission Heights, Paget, first entered a not guilty plea in Magistrates' Court last week to charges of speeding on a Honda motorcycle at 72 kph, driving without a driver's licence, and driving without a vehicle licence and insurance on June 13.

The 21-year-old claimed his cousin had been riding his motorbike, but at first refused to tell Magistrate Edward King the man's name.

"Do I have to tell you that, sir?'' he asked. "I told him I would take care of it.'' Mr. King pointed out that perverting the course of justice was a very serious offence. He then released Young on $1,000 bail and ordered him to return to court with his cousin, Mark Tatem.

But yesterday a Police officer identified Young as the perpetrator and Young told Mr. King his cousin had "skipped the Island''.

"Your double has left so I will deal with you,'' said Mr. King. "You should have skipped with Tatem.'' Mr. King ordered Young to pay $350 and banned him from riding all motorbikes and auxiliary cycles for one year for the speeding offence.

And he also ordered him to pay $250 for having no vehicle licence, $500 for no insurance, and $100 for no driver's licence.