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Men fined for speeding

In the morning plea court session, 27-year-old Johnson Faulkner, of Sandys Parish, and 29-year-old Glynn Fisher, of 28 Jones Lane, Warwick, admitted to separate charges of speeding.

this week.

In the morning plea court session, 27-year-old Johnson Faulkner, of Sandys Parish, and 29-year-old Glynn Fisher, of 28 Jones Lane, Warwick, admitted to separate charges of speeding.

Marine Police pulled Faulkner over at Darrell's Wharf on June 6, after seeing him speeding between Burnt Island and Mission's Point. Faulkner's 16-foot boat, powered by a 65 horse power engine, was travelling at 15 knots.

The officers pointed out that the speed limit in the area was a maximum of five knots. Faulkner thanked them for bringing the law to his attention, but was ticketed nevertheless.

Fisher, in a boat he had bought just the day before, was caught on June 8 in the same area as Faulkner. In his boat fitted with a 135 horse power engine, Fisher was traveling at 15 knots in a five knot zone.

Both men were fined $300 by Magistrate Archibald Warner.

DUAL MARKETING SERVICE BUC Dual marketing service Bermuda businesses can now take advantage of a duel Internet marketing service.

The Online Advantage Programme provides advertising for companies on Island information site Bermuda.com and the Bermuda Tourism services website -- exposing them to thousands of potential customers.

Each firm will get a custom banner as part of the service. For more information contact 296 5504 or 232 2917.

PARKED CAR DAMAGED CRM Parked car damaged A brown Ford Laser motorcar was damaged on Monday at the Bull's Head Car Park.

The owner returned from work to his car, which was parked on the second level, to find the bonnet of his car scratched and damaged.

Police are investigating the incident.

LLOYDS HOSTED SEMINAR CON Lloyds hosted seminar The famous Lloyds Register of Shipping hosted a seminar in Bermuda on the future of passenger ships.

Around 45 people attended the session, which told Marine and Ports staff, and Bermuda Shipping Registry staff of the latest developments in passenger ships.

In addition, the event, held last week, covered safety, pollution, legal aspects and design of new vessels.

Experts from Lloyds Register and from the US hosted the event, which was held in the Department of Labour and Training lecture theatre.