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Mid-Ocean bylines mixed up

of column bylines that left a United Bermuda Party candidate criticising the Tourism Minister.Radio stations reported the news as it appeared yesterday morning as a sign of renewed UBP infighting.

of column bylines that left a United Bermuda Party candidate criticising the Tourism Minister.

Radio stations reported the news as it appeared yesterday morning as a sign of renewed UBP infighting.

The switch involved Mr. E. Michael Jones, who was writing the "UBP View'' column, and the anonymous column by Curmudgeon.


Keith Jensen, The Royal Gazette Ltd.'s general manager, quickly issued a statement saying the editor and management of The Mid-Ocean News regretted the error.

"The logos identifying articles by Curmudgeon and Mr. E. Michael Jones were on the wrong articles.

"Curmudgeon wrote the article concerning Tourism Minister the Hon. C.V. (Jim) Woolridge and Mr. E. Michael Jones wrote the article concerning St. George's.

"We apologise to Mr. Woolridge and to Curmudgeon for any embarrassment this may have caused.''