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Most people positive about Budget

not capture the imagination of the Country.For -- in a street poll carried out yesterday -- the majority of the people interviewed confessed they did not know anything about Friday's financial plan for the coming year.

not capture the imagination of the Country.

For -- in a street poll carried out yesterday -- the majority of the people interviewed confessed they did not know anything about Friday's financial plan for the coming year.

But, of those who had taken the time to look at the Budget, the tone was low-key -- but generally positive.

Most said the Budget was largely the creation of the United Bermuda Party because of shortage of time from the November General Election -- but they predicted next year's financial blueprint would fulfil more of the PLP's social commitments.

BTC sales representative Elizabeth Franks, of St. George's, said: "I haven't read it yet. But all I can say is give them a chance.'' Bruce Stuart, 45, a Pembroke artist, said: "I haven't heard much about it.

But they say it's the same, so it's no problem.

"It was basically all set up and even if they haven't changed much, it's a step.

"Government are saying they're very interested in people and they're trying not to change too much -- the Government has changed, but the quality of Bermuda is the same.'' He added: "The way I see the Government, there's going to be a lot more opportunity to make changes. They're open to change and they're listening to the people more.'' Ex-UBP MP Wayne Furbert, who lost his seat in the PLP clean sweep of Hamilton Parish, insisted the Budget was a UBP baby.

He said: "I don't think what their supporters were looking for is what they got. The UBP's tone and influence carries on for another year.

"There's no doubt -- you can see from the policies coming forward, it's a UBP policy.

"The Country should be in good standing for at least another year. We'll see what their Budget is next year.'' But advertising sales representative Lillian Robinson, 50, of Warwick, said Finance Minister Eugene Cox had "done a pretty good job'' especially considering the time available.

She said: "I don't see any major changes in the tax and I don't see where they were giving anyone any particular advantages.'' Photographer Stanley Trott, 28, from Hamilton, said: "On the one hand, I have to give the UBP credit because they did a good job in having a surplus.

"But I have to question what, if they had a surplus, didn't they spend the money on which they should have done.

"The UBP are saying its their Budget because of the time between the election and the Budget. If it costs X amount to run a country anyway, then it makes sense to do the things you're already doing and tweaking the process with the plans they introduced.'' And Mr. Trott said: "I don't expect them to do everything they promised in one fell swoop. That's just plain silly -- but I'm looking forward to their next Budget.'' Insurance and capital management firm executive Gilbert Tucker said the Budget bore the stamp of the old Government.

He added: "My first impression is that it was an equitable Budget -- what they've done is basically honoured what the UBP has put into place, we can't dispute that.

"I don't think Mr. Cox had time to put a PLP Budget into place. The next Budget will tell.'' A 26-year-old Bermudian secretary, who asked not to be named, said the Budget was "fair and honest.'' "I believe Mr. Cox thought about it -- I don't think he had enough time to prepare it, unfortunately, but that wasn't his fault.

"I definitely think that next time when they do the Budget, it'll be a bit more of an improvement because they will have more time to plan it.'' And a 40-year-old accountant from overseas added: "There didn't seem to be anything in it. There wasn't much change.'' But he said: "I prefer Budgets which don't have a lot in them -- a bit of stability's good.'' Elizabeth Franks Graphic file name: VOXX5 Wayne Furbert Graphic file name: VOXX2 Bruce Stuart Graphic file name: VOXX4 Stanley Trott Graphic file name: VOXX3 Gilbert Tucker Graphic file name: VOXX1 HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY HOA TAXES TAX