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MPs get rebuke for Saul censure

motion, The Royal Gazette has learned.In August the `People's Five' were hauled before a United Bermuda Party disciplinary hearing for supporting a PLP motion of censure against the Premier.

motion, The Royal Gazette has learned.

In August the `People's Five' were hauled before a United Bermuda Party disciplinary hearing for supporting a PLP motion of censure against the Premier.

The report was completed several weeks ago and it is understood it recommended that Caucus should vote to "deplore the actions of the Five''.

But yesterday confusion surrounded the report by the UBP's Procedures and Rules committee.

Three of the `Five' said they had not seen a copy and officially did not know its contents. Nor is it known whether a vote has been taken or if the matter has been dropped.

A request by the MPs' lawyer, Wendell Hollis, to see the report was also apparently denied.

MP Ann Cartwright DeCouto is also facing another disciplinary charge relating to the Prohibited Restaurant Bill and has yet to hear if that hearing has been concluded.

The `Five' -- Mrs. Cartwright DeCouto, Trevor Moniz, C.V. (Jim) Woolridge, Dr.

David Dyer and Dr. Clarence Terceira -- were brought before the Procedures and Rules Committee last August.

They faced a charge of bringing the Party into disrepute after helping to pass a PLP motion of censure against David Saul.

Mr. Woolridge and Mr. Moniz were present at a Caucus meeting when the disciplinary report was read out, but the other three were out of the Country.

It was agreed that the issue should remain private and no-one present at the Caucus would comment.

Yesterday, Dr. Terceira said: "I cannot really comment until I have seen the report.'' Dr. Dyer added: "I was away on holiday. I expected they would deal with it when I came back, but they dealt with it while I was away.

"I have never seen a copy. We have asked, but nothing has been put forward yet.'' And Mrs. Cartwright DeCouto said: "I understand that the report was read out at Caucus when I was off the Island.

"My lawyer has asked for a copy and I have asked for a copy but neither of us have one. It is bizarre. I have been before two disciplinary hearings, one with my four colleagues and one by myself on a charge that I laid the Prohibited Restaurant Bill in the House without coming to Caucus.

"I have heard nothing about my individual case except that it was in abeyance.'' Last night UBP chairman Sen. Gary Pitman declined to comment on the issue, although he said the MPs could obtain copies from the Caucus chairman -- although Mrs. Cartwright DeCouto said her lawyer had unsuccessfully tried that route. UBP gag order: Page 3