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NLP: Audit comment misleading

seeing that the Auditor's report was presented to Parliament has been attacked.National Liberal Party chairman Mr. Geoff Parker described it as the "silliest and most misleading'' statement of the election campaign.

seeing that the Auditor's report was presented to Parliament has been attacked.

National Liberal Party chairman Mr. Geoff Parker described it as the "silliest and most misleading'' statement of the election campaign.

"If Government is not responsible then who is?'' asked Mr. Parker.

He added: "To say Government is not responsible shows clearly that the Premier is either misinformed or is manipulating the truth.'' Sir John made his remark last week while defending Government against NLP accusations it was hiding reports on how the public's money has been spent.

He stressed Government regularly published a report and accounts of the Consolidated Fund.

Sir John added the NLP should ask Shadow Finance Minister Mr. Eugene Cox where the "missing'' reports were since he chaired the House Public Accounts Committee.

But Mr. Parker dubbed Government's report on the Consolidated Fund "a glossy booklet''.