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NLP's Outerbridge hits out over Collector's Hill traffic

The problem of traffic flow at the junction of Collector's Hill and South Shore road needs to be solved before more development begins, National Liberal Party candidate Mr. Graeme Outerbridge told The Royal Gazette yesterday.

Mr. Outerbridge was responding to a proposed shopping complex in the area, which he said would only increase the volume of traffic and cause more problems.

A major two-floor office and shopping block will soon be built in a vacant lot east of the Cottage Bakery.

But United Bermuda Party candidate Mr. Trevor Moniz believes the new building will not exacerbate traffic problems.

After years of complaints, the Government spent $1.5 million to improve safety. Sidewalks were built and all parking except for the A-1 grocery store's was moved to the rear.

Mr. Moniz said he believes the project was proving successful, although Smith's South candidate Mr. Outerbridge said the Government spent public money very poorly without solving the real problem.

"The A-1 has been allowed to retain parking spaces for no reason at all,'' he said.

"The whole problem has been cars backing out into the street and they are still doing it. The sidewalks have done nothing to alleviate traffic at the junction.'' Mr. Outerbridge blasted UBP candidates Mr. Moniz and Tourism Minister the Hon.

C.V. (Jim) Woolridge for ignoring the needs of the community for so long.

"The representatives are trying to look like they are doing something at the 11th hour before an election,'' said Mr. Outerbridge.

Last week The Royal Gazette reported that Mr. Moniz had met with Works and Engineering Minister the Hon. Ann Cartwright DeCouto to discuss the concerns of the residents in the area.

But Mr. Outerbridge said they should have acted on behalf of the community in the first place instead of making special deals with each of the store owners.

The NLP candidate claims the A-1 was allowed to retain its parking spaces for economic reasons.

"I feel that special consideration was given to the Gibbons Management Services Ltd. at the community's expense,'' he said. "The dollar is king -- that's how decision making is done.'' Gibbons Management Services Ltd. owns the building that A-1 is located in. "A local plan has to be developed as to how the village will be developed,'' Mr.

Outerbridge added.

He said the best scenario would be a one-way access road around the back of all the buildings at Collector's Hill. There would be one entrance by the Apothecary and one exit by Phase 1.

He added that this kind of planning should have been done eight years ago instead of letting the problem escalate to present proportions.