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No progress in police contract negotiations

last two months, Government Senate Leader the Hon. Michael Winfield told his colleagues yesterday.Responding to questions from Opposition Leader Sen. Alex Scott, Sen. Winfield denied the talks had been "deadlocked'' for ten months.

last two months, Government Senate Leader the Hon. Michael Winfield told his colleagues yesterday.

Responding to questions from Opposition Leader Sen. Alex Scott, Sen. Winfield denied the talks had been "deadlocked'' for ten months.

"They began some ten months ago and progress continued to be made until about two months ago.

"Agreement in principal has been reached on many of the items in contention.

Recently, efforts in Government have been underway to revitalise the talks.'' Government's Labour Relations Officer has been helping the two sides, Sen.

Winfield said, but he would not go into detail. "Government does not believe any purpose would be served by revealing the bargaining positions of the two sides,'' he said.

Sen. Scott asked whether Government believed the matter could be addressed with the new Trade Disputes Act passed by Senators on Monday. Sen. Winfield said the question was hypothetical, but he said he understood progress had been made in the contract negotiations.

Sen. Scott also asked if Government had received complaints from Police over officers being required to take on temporary responsibility for various posts.

Sen. Winfield said neither the Minister for Delegated Affairs nor Government's Personnel Services, which he described as the most likely recipients, have received such a complaint.

"At this moment there are five vacancies at or above the rank of sergeant which are being filled on an acting basis,'' he told the upper house.

The Hon. Michael Winfield.