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Northlands opposition continues to increase

be softening as another group has added its voice to a growing list of those opposed to the plan.The Coalition for the Protection of Children has come out against the plan.

be softening as another group has added its voice to a growing list of those opposed to the plan.

The Coalition for the Protection of Children has come out against the plan.

It says there are no improvements that can be made to the Northlands site which would make it adequate for primary school children.

"This is one matter that we think it is important to place before the Task Force,'' Coalition spokeswoman Sheelagh Cooper said.

"It makes no sense to improve one school at the expense of the other. There is no way that Northlands can be brought up to scratch.'' Earlier, Dr. Terceira said his team would press on with its plan which included spending $500,000 to improve the Northlands site.

Meanwhile, it also planned to spend more than $7 million to turn Dellwood into a middle school.

Both buildings were to be ready for the September 1997 school year.

Mrs. Mary Samuels, who is chairperson of the Dellwood committee that is overseeing the planned restructuring, said that since the PTA "categorically rejected'' Government's plan, it sent the Education Minister a letter which contained alternatives the PTA found more reasonable.

Yesterday, Dr. Terceira said he received the letter and had written a reply to the Dellwood PTA, though he refused to divulge details.

And he refused to confirm or deny whether Government's plans for the two schools were at a standstill.

"I received their letter and I have written them back,'' he said. "And the (restructuring) team will be looking at the situation to see what options and suggestions are available. We don't have a closed mind on this issue.'' The Dellwood PTA is now circulating a petition at the school and in the Pembroke community.

It also asks for Government to look at the old Technical Institute site at Roberts Avenue which they say is a better site for the proposed middle school instead of Dellwood.

However, facilities manager Mr. John Morbey, who is part of the Government restructuring team, said this suggestion is "largely academic'' because the Technical Institute land will be turned over to the Youth and Sport Department as part of the new sports complex.

Mrs. Samuels said the PTA's research shows that as far back as 1971 there have been a steady stream of reports highlighting the appalling condition of the Northlands site.

In June 1991, the former Minister of Education the Hon. Gerald Simons said the original Bermuda College buildings would be used as a site for one of the five middle schools planned for the Island.

Also in that statement it was announced that Northlands would close in 1994.

Mr. Morbey said those plans have changed.

He said Northlands was kept open after the Ministry shortened the time students spent in middle schools, from four to three years.

Mrs. Samuels said efforts have been made to contact UBP MP's the Hon. Jerome Dill and the Hon. Ann Cartwright Decouto for help.

On Friday, both Pembroke West Central MPs met with the Northlands principal.

"We've met with the principal and plans were made to see the school grounds,'' Mr. Dill said. "I will be monitoring the situation, though I am not yet in a position to enter on one side or the other.''