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Offers of help pour in for house blaze victim

down Mrs. Wander Hodgson's face yesterday.She had appealed through the media for clothes, furniture and windows for her disabled brother whose house went up in flames on Sunday morning.

down Mrs. Wander Hodgson's face yesterday.

She had appealed through the media for clothes, furniture and windows for her disabled brother whose house went up in flames on Sunday morning.

And offers began pouring in at 8 a.m. yesterday, continuing throughout the day.

By lunchtime, people had brought stroke victim Mr. Cleo Hodgson several bags of clothes, a television, windows and a brand-new double bed and mattress.

One woman even went to Mr. Hodgson's Crawl Hill home with a gallon of Clorox and some rags and began cleaning up.

Others swept up the charred debris in Mr. Hodgson's gutted bedroom and took the burnt furniture outside.

People also told her they would be stopping by on their way home from work with more clothes and cans of paint.

And a man, who happened to pass by shortly after the fire, offered to pick up the burnt furniture in his truck and take it to the dump.

"I was so excited I started crying,'' Mrs. Hodgson said. "It's really been wonderful how people have been calling non-stop, wanting to help.'' She said people were still calling her after lunch.

In her brother's blackened bedroom yesterday afternoon, all she could say was, "I don't believe it!''. Kind-hearted Bermudians had straightened up the entire room and swept the rubble and burnt wood on the floor into two neat piles.

Mrs. Hodgson and her brother said they did not know who the people were. Mr.

Hodgson, 46, returned from a walk on Sunday morning to find his bedroom and its entire contents -- including all of his clothes -- had been destroyed by the fire.

He believes the blaze was caused by a faulty electric lamp but fire officials are still investigating.

Damage was estimated by the Fire Service at between $8,000 and $10,000 and may be even more if the kitchen ceiling caves in as feared.

The neighbours had raised the alarm and were able to put out the worst of the blaze with a garden hose.

Mrs. Hodgson, who suffered a slight stroke herself and looks after her 82-year-old mother, was grateful to her neighbours, especially one who clambered up the stairs to Mr. Hodgson's smoke-filled bedroom to see if he was asleep in bed.

Mr. Hodgson has no fire insurance, is unable to work, receives no social assistance and relies on $500 monthly rent from a tenant for his sole income.

He lives alone.

He is continuing to live in his house despite the damage, sleeping on a couch in the living room which was not damaged by the blaze.

The kitchen -- aside from its ceiling -- and bathroom were not burned either.

But the bedroom was completely ruined and is in need of a new ceiling and windows. The carpet on the staircase was also ruined.

UP IN SMOKE -- Mr. Cleo Hodgson and his sister Wander stand in what's left of his second-storey bedroom. He arrived at his Crawl Hill, Hamilton Parish home on Sunday morning to find the room and its entire contents had gone up in flames. Offers of help from local residents began pouring in yesterday (see story below).