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Office break-ins worry occupants

Hamilton are baffled after their offices were broken into a second time in less than a week.

An intruder or intruders broke into the offices of Carlsen Philip law firm and Mutual Insurance Company at the weekend and made an untidy search of the law office.

And while nothing was stolen, Mr. Philip and the general manager of Mutual, Christine Paynter, said they hoped that Police could get to the bottom of it soon.

It was only last Thursday that staff at the law firm, insurance company and Probation Services turned up for work to discover that someone or some people had broken into the offices.

At that time a remote control car was taken from the insurance office.

"We're very concerned,'' said Ms Paynter. "They are coming through the ceiling.

"The first time they broke in they took a Christmas toy. This time nothing is missing. Everything was locked up. Nothing's been ransacked.

"As soon as our directors come in, they will be looking at security,'' she added.

Ms Paynter, who has had the office door's lock replaced with double-bolted locks, admitted that the incidents were unnerving.