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Officers' hearing underway

in the sexual assault case of British P.c. Andrew Robinson began yesterday in Magistrates' Court.P.c. David Bird and P.c.

in the sexual assault case of British P.c. Andrew Robinson began yesterday in Magistrates' Court.

P.c. David Bird and P.c. Nicholas Sutton are charged with conspiring together to obstruct the course of justice and with "refusing to do an act which was their duty to do''.

Both officers were investigating a July 25, 1993, complaints of housebreaking and sexual assault against Robinson.

The Attorney General had to "farm out'' the job of prosecuting the case to a private lawyer because of an inherent conflict of interest. The Attorney General prosecuted Robinson who was found guilty last December of breaking and entering and sexual assault on a woman.

Robinson's conviction was later overturned on appeal.

Lawyer Mr. Tim Marshall appears for the prosecution and is expected to conclude his arguments today with defence lawyer Mr. Saul Froomkin expected to proceed on Wednesday.