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Outward Bound downsized to day camp

Concerned parents learned late last week that due to the lack of a qualified senior instructor, Police have downsized the programme from a residential course to a day camp.

The programme formerly consisted of five day residential courses that ran throughout the summer. However, this year it will be reduced to only three separate week-long day courses.

Police spokesman Coleman Easton said the cutbacks were due to a delay in finding a civilian replacement for the former senior instructor.

This was part of a larger effort made over the past couple of years to replace officers with civilians.

Mr. Easton said: "We want as many sworn in officers on the beat as possible.

We need to free up officers for Police work. We are doing this by filling administrative and other positions with civilians wherever possible.'' The Bermuda Police Service is currently advertising for a new Outward Bound senior instructor -- a position which requires the experience and expertise to coordinate the entire Outward Bound programme.

Once a candidate is selected, he or she still must undergo further training.

Mr. Easton said: "Because it is a lengthy training process, we therefore needed an alternate programme this year.'' Although he said he did not know why arrangements for a new replacement had not been made sooner, he emphasised that the Police expected Outward Bound to be back in full force within a year.

He said: ''I have to stress, this is a temporary measure. We expect to have the programme back up and running by next year.'' He added: ''This does not affect our overseas programme, nor does it affect the sponsorship of the overseas programme.''