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Parents will protest against practice closure

Parents who attended the Nurse's Practice are so upset about its imminent closure they are considering marching on the House of Assembly.

Nurse Liz Boden who runs the organisation, said some parents were in tears at the last parenting class on Saturday when they heard the practice will have no permanent home.

The centre, which offers childbirth, parenting, and asthma classes, must vacate its office in Smith's Parish on April 7 because the landlord wants to use the space for his own business.

Nurse Boden plans to continue the childbirth classes in church halls, and to try to keep the parenting lessons continuing in other premises if they can be rented out for the night.

St Mark's Church in Smith's offered the Nurse's Practice new premises but the deal fell through because the rent was too high and neighbours in the residential area objected.

Nurse Boden told The Royal Gazette yesterday: "We've created such a need in the community that at the class on Saturday people were crying as if their lifeline had been cut off.

"The response was absolutely incredible, it was as though we had told them they had a terminal illness.

Nurses practice facing closure "We need to find a way to do this that is cost-effective, but the rents are just incredible.

"The people who will miss us most are people who have just had a baby because because people just drop in to see us all the time.

"We said we are going to have to close because we can't get premises we can afford and we are not going to put up our prices and make it a rich man's clinic as that would defeat our mission.

"People were saying `Bermuda will not allow this to happen' and `Let's all march on Parliament'.

"Some of the women started crying and then some of the men got together trying to solve it. Two hours after the class was supposed to end, they were all there and no one would go home.

"I have no more ideas left, but I can't fund what Bermuda wants us to do.

Hopefully we can continue somehow.'' Parent Michele Frith from St. David's, who attended the parenting classes, said: "Something really ought to be done because they have been a tremendous support to young mothers.

"It seems that there isn't accommodation out there to meet their price requirements. They have been a tremendous help to me and I know my contemporaries who have had children all agree that someone out there has got to help.'' Referring to talk of a march on the House of Assembly, she said: "I heard that and I'm sure people would be more than happy to do that. I would go out there with them.''