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Plan for `yuppie' condos rejected

The Development Applications Board threw out a plan by Real Estate Development Ltd. to build eight more homes on Richmond Court, Richmond Road.

of luxury condominiums.

The Development Applications Board threw out a plan by Real Estate Development Ltd. to build eight more homes on Richmond Court, Richmond Road.

However, it has left the door ajar for the developers if it came back with a plan for less buildings.

Seven condominiums already exist on the site which have been sold mainly to young professionals -- leading to the `yuppie' tag.

The DAB felt the new buildings would destroy existing natural features and the Board wanted those kept because they were important to the area's environment.

In addition, the Board felt the density of the development would mean parking and communal open space would not be set aside.

Real Estate Development is a consortium of businesses and its architect, Mr.

Paul Lowry, said he was disappointed by the DAB's decision. He said the plans could be amended or an appeal lodged with the Minister of the Environment.

The Board had previously held up the plans -- objecting to the design and lay-out of the condominiums. As a result the scheme was "designed and re-designed'', according to Mr. Lowry, and Board members went on a site visit.

Neighbours had also objected, but Mr. Lowry said their wishes were incorporated into the plans as much as possible. The condominiums were to have sold at between $375,000 and $425,000.