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PLP backs new prison rehab scheme

a hostel-style camp in a bid to get prisoners rehabilitated.The scheme, based on a model in Scotland, sends offenders on a "short sharp shock'' course as an alternative to prison.

a hostel-style camp in a bid to get prisoners rehabilitated.

The scheme, based on a model in Scotland, sends offenders on a "short sharp shock'' course as an alternative to prison.

Last night Mr. Scott told The Royal Gazette that, as long as the scheme did not provide a soft option to prison, the PLP and the Government "are singing from the same hymn book''.

Mr. Scott also agreed that the prison system was not doing enough to rehabilitate offenders.

"This scheme mirrors what the PLP put forward at a press conference a few weeks ago,'' he said.

"Bermuda is plagued by a hard core of criminals and if this is aimed at first time offenders, who might otherwise go to prison and then be influenced inside to commit more crime, then I think it's a good thing.

"The PLP believes that this hard core of offenders contaminate the first time offenders.

"But I don't think the people of Bermuda would like to see the Government being soft on crime and if this is aimed at easing an offenders time in prison then we wouldn't support it. If it's about offering first time offenders an alternative that will stop them committing more crime than I think we are all singing from the same hymn book.'' Last month Mr. Scott confirmed that the opposition was considering army style boot camp programmes to treat first time offenders.