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PLP warns against `vague promises'

teachers and the community to voice their concerns about the proposed $2.2 million in Education budget cuts.

"Parents must not be taken in by vague promises,'' said Ms Smith in a press release issued yesterday. "They must make their voices heard. We do not want parents to feel they did `too little too late' after the cuts come into effect.'' At a news conference earlier this week, Education Minister the Hon. Gerald Simons MP defended the proposed cuts, saying they were necessary because of the recession. He said all Government departments had been asked to make sacrifices because revenues had fallen by $32 million.

Describing the cuts as "temporary'', Mr. Simons said he would revisit the planned cuts to ensure they did not lower the quality of education.

These assurances not only drew scepticism from Ms Smith, but also the chief executive officer of the Amalgamated Bermuda Union of Teachers, Mr. Milton Scott.

"It is important that the community is aware of the true position, and is not misled by vague promises from the Minister,'' Ms Smith added.

She said parents should take their lead from teachers and pricipals who know what the effect of the planned cuts will have on the quality of Government schools "first-hand''.

"They know how it will affect our children. It is important to understand the difference between a commitment to keep the summer programme, and a promise to see if cuts can be made without affecting summer programmes,'' Ms Smith said.

Mr. Simons has said that summer programmes "would be one of the programmes to be restored first''.

The PLP statement went on to say: "The Progressive Labour Party cannot fathom how the minister is in a position to give assurances to the Bermuda National PTA that despite the cuts the quality of education will not be affected''.