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Police appeal for robbery witness

Station, which left the cashier in hospital with a stab wound, to come forward with information.

Four men have been arrested and charged with conspiring to rob the gas station Police are still hunting a fifth person suspected of involvement in the robbery.

Eastern CID would like to speak to the taxi driver that picked up a man on North Shore Road on April 11 shortly after the robbery in Flatts Village at 8.30 p.m.

The driver apparently picked up the fare near Jenning's Land in Smith's then headed west with the passenger along North Shore Road and dropped him off at a Parsons Road residence.

The driver is asked to contact Eastern CID at 293-1940.

MAN HOSPITALISED CRM Man hospitalised A man was brutally attacked and left hospitalised after being beaten with golf clubs and bottles by a gang of youths on Wednesday night.

The 38-year-old Devonshire man was walking near the New Clayhouse Inn on North Shore Road at approximately 9.30 p.m. when a gang of approximately eight males -- some of whom were on pedal cycles -- approached him.

The gang chased him to a house on North Shore Road where they caught him and allegedly beat him about the head and body with a variety of objects, including golf clubs and a beer bottle.

Members of the public who were nearby phoned Police who responded to the incident.

Police found the man lying on a doorstep bleeding from head wounds and he was then taken to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital where he was treated for the head wounds and others to his face and body.

The man has since been released from the hospital.

VISITOR ATTACKED CRM Visitor attacked A visitor was robbed of his cash on Wednesday afternoon after fighting with his attacker in the washrooms near Albuoy's Point in the City of Hamilton.

The visitor said at approximately 5.15 p.m. he was in the washrooms and was approached by a man who demanded money.

The visitor refused and the other man threatened him with violence.

The two then became involved in a struggle and the visitor managed to knock down his attacker.

The robber managed to grab an amount of cash from the visitor's pocket and then locked himself inside a stall until the victim left and sought assistance from a Police officer.

The robber had left the area when Police arrived but the visitor was able to provide them with a description and inquiries are underway.

MAN ROBBED AT HOME CRM Man robbed at home A Paget man reported that he was assaulted and robbed by another man on Wednesday night at his home on Lovers Lane.

The man said he was at his home with the other man at approximately 8 p.m.

when his attacker struck him in the side of the face without warning, then grabbed an amount of cash that was lying nearby.

The attacker then fled and the man contacted Police.

WARWICK HOME BURGLED CRM Warwick home burgled An Astwood Cove, Warwick dwelling was targeted by a thief on Wednesday night.

The occupant said the thief entered through an insecure door and removed a bag containing a variety of personal items, some of which were later recovered.