Police back Warwick crime-busting effort
reduce crime in the parish by hiring a private detective agency.
A number of companies have chipped in to hire the services of International Security and Investigations Ltd., which is now drawing up a crime busting strategy for the parish.
And yesterday the area's Divisional Commander praised the scheme as a breakthrough in community policing.
And he dismissed fears the plan could see vigilante groups taking the law into their own hands by administering their own brand of justice to known hoodlums.
"This is basically business oriented initiative and I will be going along to the public meeting so we can discuss the concerns of the business community,'' Chief Insp. Sinclair White said.
"But the Bermuda Police Service welcomes and supports any concerted effort on behalf of the community -- both public and private sector groups -- to combat crime.
"Such initiatives embody the spirit of community policing in that the Police are aided by the communities it serves. Rather than have lots of small groups it's better if we all pull together and join forces -- everyone in the community wants to be involved.
"It is our understanding that the Warwick areas includes a select community around Middle Road. Some area residents are of the opinion that crime, particularly illegal drug activity, is on the increase there and are thus welcoming of any proposal that will see some reduction. Police are similarly supportive and are already involved in similar initiatives that promise to reduce the crime rate.'' A public meeting in which representatives from International Security and Investigations will present their plan will be held at the company's headquarters at the Commerce Building in Hamilton on July 3 at 4 p.m.