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Police round up two robbery suspects

Officers made one arrest on Tuesday afternoon in Hamilton and the second yesterday morning at the man's Devonshire home.

Police said the men were "assisting with the Police investigations'' into the armed robberies at Arnold's and Harrington Hundreds grocery stores and the Village Gate Gas Station.

The three armed robberies all took place in just over a month. Arnold's in Pembroke was robbed on June 7 around 10 p.m. when two men -- one brandishing a knife -- got away with a bag of money.

Robbers burst into the Harrington Hundreds store in Smith's on June 29 and threatened the cashier with a machete when owner Anthony Aguiar chased them out, getting wounded in the process. And the Village Gate Gas Station on North Shore Road was robbed by two men -- one with a machete -- on Monday night just after 10.30 p.m.