Policeman knocked down by drunk driver near Airport
man a two-month prison sentence.
Derek Herman Lamb, 45, of Shinbone Alley, was jailed by Acting Senior Magistrate Edward King after he admitted driving drunk shortly before 10 p.m.
on April 12 on Kindley Field Road.
Mr. King told Lamb: "The seriousness of this offence,'' he continued, "is reflected in that you collided with a man in reflective clothing.'' He added: "I impose a fine of $850 -- the maximum being $1,000 -- and I send you to prison for two months.'' As Lamb shook his head, Mr. King added: "You have to go to prison. If someone else wants to do something else, that's their business. And I disqualify you from driving all vehicles for 12 months.'' Mr. King had heard Police were on foot patrol that night and were stopping cars for routine checks when Lamb bumped an officer from behind and drove a short distance before being stopped. Crown counsel Cindy Clarke said the officer was wearing a reflective jacket for safety reasons. When officers spoke to Lamb his eyes were glazed, his breath smelled, his speech was slurred and he had difficulty standing up.