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Police's White Wall pass memo an `exaggeration'

A confidential Police memo about a group of youths who call themselves the "White Wall Crew,'' does exist and has been circulating in the St. George's Police Station for several months, The Royal Gazette has learned.

But the hysteria that surrounds their existence has been exaggerated and blown out of proportion, said one Fenton's Drive resident who did not want to be identified.

In a Mid Ocean News article published on Friday, the Police Service denied the existence of the memo.

But The Royal Gazette obtained a copy of the circular which has been in Police files since the summer.

Entitled The Bermuda Police Crime Circular, the one page document carries a photocopied "White Wall Ghetto Pass''.

Detective constable 458 R. Trott prepared the circular. The caption underneath states that the gang's members -- who number about 70 -- carry this pass.

"They are apparently well organised and do robberies as an initiation and also for promotion within the ranks,'' it said. "They also deal in narcotics.

The colour of the pass is determined by how bad of a crime.

"The colours we have so far are gold, blue and green.'' The caption continues: "If a pass is found on anyone arrested take it and any information you receive, forward it to CID who have started a file on the gang.'' "I don't know where the Police are getting their information,'' said a resident who carries a White Wall pass. "I first saw these passes during the early part of the summer.

"They were drawn up as a joke. There is nothing serious about it at all. I don't know where they are getting this 70 figure from. There is no truth to that at all.

"Unless they are speaking about a different White Wall Gang that comes out at night they are not speaking about the guys I know who live in this area.'' The resident said the memo demonstrated the gulf between the Police, the media and the community. He admitted that some of the youths have criminal records, but said that not all of them were like that.

The term "White Wall Gang'' was a term that the youths coined when they spoke to a Royal Gazette reporter last year.

Meanwhile, Pembroke East Central MP Mr. Stanley Morton said he has received several complaints from Fenton's Drive and Smith Hill residents who are unable to get into their homes because of groups of youths who congregate outside.

"People are at their wit's end,'' said the Progressive Labour Party MP.

"There are a host of non-residents who gather there and meet guys from the area.

"There is a certain amount of fear and people are afraid to speak up because they fear reprisals if they complain.''