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Poor tourism causing retail job cuts, says Trimingham

The news comes amid reports of other job losses at Trimingham because of a cash squeeze."The retail industry is in real difficulties along with the tourism industry,'' said the store's president Eldon Trimingham.

lost his job.

The news comes amid reports of other job losses at Trimingham because of a cash squeeze.

"The retail industry is in real difficulties along with the tourism industry,'' said the store's president Eldon Trimingham.

Mr. Trimingham confirmed an employee responsible for special promotions -- such as fashion shows -- had been let go.

He said the employee was a victim of the "general shrink-down'' in the retail industry.

"It's a great shame when reality forces this part of the tourism industry into reducing its service.'' Mr. Trimingham said the post of organising special events was created some six or seven years ago.

"Reluctantly we've now had to end that function. We were the only people doing that function. It's a real regret when you get down to the nitty gritty these days, but the retail industry is in real difficulties. Things are tight.'' Mr. Trimingham said retailers faced a major challenge: keeping the majority of staff employed.

"Real stringent efforts are being made to do this,'' he added.

The Royal Gazette received reports this week of several senior and long-serving staff members being laid off.

But Mr. Trimingham said he was only aware of one employee. He referred the paper to human resources manager Monica Massey.

Despite repeated attempts, The Royal Gazette has been unable to reach Ms Massey.

Most retailers reported flat Christmas sales this year. And it prompted calls by business leaders for Government to smash barriers to shopping on public holidays.

They argued stores should open when they like without public holiday and Sunday permits.

Said Mr. Trimingham: "We ought to be allowed to open when necessary.''