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Possessing crack costs man $300

a $300 fine in Magistrates' Court yesterday.The 39-year-old was spotted on Elliott Street in the late night of July 28 exchanging money with someone, Police prosecutor Sgt. Ken James said.

a $300 fine in Magistrates' Court yesterday.

The 39-year-old was spotted on Elliott Street in the late night of July 28 exchanging money with someone, Police prosecutor Sgt. Ken James said.

When Furbert saw the on-duty officers in their patrol car, he walked away. He walked onto Court Street where he was seen throwing something into a trash bin, Sgt. James said.

The officers arrested him and searched the trash bin, finding a brown paper twist with a rock of cocaine in it.

"I'll never do it again,'' Furbert told the court before being fined.

FINED FOR VIOLENTLY RESISTING ARREST CTS A $200 fine was handed down yesterday to a homeless man who "came out the worst'' in a scuffle with Police who were trying to arrest him on an outstanding warrant.

Stephen Caisey, 34, pleaded guilty in Magistrates' Court to violently resisting arrest at Cobb's Hill, Paget last Thursday night.

He admitted he had run away from the officers and hid in a garden. But he claimed that after they caught him, P.c. Glasford and another officer kicked him in the face and head, causing him to fall to the ground.

Duty counsel Mr. Mark Pettingill noted Police prosecutor Sgt. Ken James had said Caisey got up from the ground to swing at officers, but had offered no explanation as to how he got there.

And noting his facial injuries, Mr. Pettingill said: "He obviously came out the worst for the conflict.'' Sgt. James said Caisey told Police after the fight he had been high.

CHARGED WITH ASSAULTING HIS GIRLFRIEND CTS A Pembroke man was yesterday charged with assaulting his girlfriend, causing her bodily harm and stealing her $1,000 leather living room suite.

Vance Ratteray, 35, was also charged with stealing a Sony tape deck from another woman between November 4 and last Monday, assaulting a Police Officer last Tuesday and violently resisting arrest.

Ratteray was not required to plead to the charges.

The court heard the first assault occurred on November 4.

Crown Counsel Mr. Stephen Harrison objected to bail on several grounds.

Ratteray told Senior Magistrate the Wor. Will Francis he might as well not set any bail if it was going to be too high.

In the end, Mr. Francis bailed him in the sum of $5,000 plus a like surety. He ordered Ratteray to have no contact whatsoever with his girlfriend and not to attend her place of employment or house.

TWO YEARS PROBATION FOR INDECENT ACTS CTS A Warwick man received two years probation yesterday for committing an indecent act in a public place.

Dean Ming, 32, of Glenwood Park was caught masturbating in a public place on two occasions by two different women.

Police say the first incident occurred June 2 in the Bull's Head parking lot.

A woman was walking by his car that was parked against the sidewalk. Ming was seated in the driver's seat masturbating. The woman hurried away but reported his car number to Police.

The second incident occurred around 6.00 p.m. on July 13, when another woman parked her car and was walking near the entrance to Elbow Beach Tribe Road with her two children. As she approached Ming's blue car she saw him masturbating in the driver's seat.

Ming got out of his car, approached her and apologised.

Acting Senior Magistrate the Wor. John Judge accepted Probation Services' recommendation that he receive two years probation, under the condition that he continues getting treatment. His case will be reviewed February 11, 1994.

MAN SENTENCED TO NINE MONTHS IN JAIL CTS A 25-year-old man who stole $1,000 in cash, assaulted a Police officer and escaped lawful custody was sentenced to nine months in prison after appearing in Magistrates' Court recently.

Delvin Ashley O'Brian Stevens, of East Dale, Southampton, changed his earlier not guilty plea for the offences. On June 25, he stole $1,000 from Terri Burgess and on September 24, he trespassed on her property. On July 27 he obstructed a Police officer who was attempting to search him under suspicion that he was carrying drugs.

In an earlier Royal Gazette story, Stevens is reported to have attempted to avoid capture for the offences on July 15. He took Police on a half a mile chase starting on South Road, across Southampton Rangers football pitch where he suffered several cuts trying to scale a barbed wire fence at the corner of the ground. He ended up losing his shirt and pants but was discovered hiding naked in a pump house in Palm Valley.

Stevens apologised for his actions but acting Senior Magistrate the Wor. John Judge was unimpressed.

"The most that can be said in your favour is that you did not waste the court's time. This is far from being your first conviction for dishonesty.

Setting a dog on a Police Officer is nothing short of appalling.'' Mr. Judge then sentenced Stevens to three months in prison for stealing the money and an additional six months for assaulting a Police officer.

He received one month for trespassing and another month for escaping lawful custody, both sentences to run concurrently with the nine month sentence.

REQUEST `GRANTED' TO STAY AT STATION CTS A drunk Paget man who demanded to be put up for the night at St. George's Police Station was eventually granted his request.

Henry Durham of Bostock Lane, walked into the station on November 10 at about 9 p.m. demanding accommodation. An officer asked him to leave, but when Durham refused he was escorted from the building.

An hour later, Durham returned and repeated his request which was again denied, but before Police could stop him he went into the interview room and started removing his shoes and socks.

Police entered the interview room and arrested him.

"It seems you got what you desired after all Mr. Durham,'' acting Senior Magistrate the Wor. John Judge said. "You better get help for your drinking problem before you get yourself in serious trouble. Police have better things to do then arrest respectable members of the citizenry. Their job is to arrest burglars -- not the likes of you.'' Mr. Judge then gave Durham a 12-month conditional discharge.

MAN FINED $250 FOR BURGLING HOMES CRM A 20-year-old man was fined $250 for burgling two Southampton homes and stealing $60 is cash and groceries.

Keith Darrell pleaded guilty to breaking into Mr. Osdell Simmons' home August 1 and stealing $40 in cash, two Bacardi Breezers and some chicken nuggets.

After admitting the offence, Darrell apologised to the court but said he had been kicked out of the house when he was 17 and did not get along well with his mother's boyfriend.

He also admitted breaking into Mr. Ceasar Godwin's house on Horseshoe Road on August 27, using a key he had hidden in the grass.

Mr. Godwin had accepted Darrell as a rent-paying boarder earlier that month.

"He locked me out of the house. I went back to get my work clothes because my work is important me,'' Darrell said.

Acting Senior Magistrate the Wor. John Judge fined Darrell $150 for stealing the $60 and $100 for the second break and enter offence.