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Reggae star's daughter to appeal jail sentence

Deborah Wallata Cole's six-year prison sentence for drug importation.Cole, who is three months pregnant,

Deborah Wallata Cole's six-year prison sentence for drug importation.

Cole, who is three months pregnant, had her first full day in prison yesterday after a Supreme Court Judge sentenced her to six years for importing seven pounds of cannabis into Bermuda on September 17, 1994.

The drugs, valued at $160,000 were found at the airport inside her suitcase wrapped in plastic, duct tape and fabric softener.

"I can assure you we will be appealing against this conviction and sentence,'' Mr. Richard Hector told The Royal Gazette . "We will definitely be dealing with her.'' Mr. Hector said that he has not had an opportunity to check into the arrangements that have been made for his client, but he will be doing so soon.

"It's an early pregnancy,'' he explained. "So all that has to happen is that they will have to keep an eye on her.

"However it is not just the pregnancy that they must bear in mind, she has a tendency to attempt suicide. Being under the strain and stress that she finds herself in now they will have to keep a particularly close watch on her.'' During mitigation Mr. Hector drew heavily from a report that Cole's psychiatrist Dr. Aggrey Irons had prepared.

Dr. Irons said Cole had attempted suicide four times and had become pregnant when she was 16 years old.

He said that she suffered from a "borderline personality disorder'' and exercised poor judgement, promiscuousness, an inability to maintain long-term relationships and mood swings which varied between elation and depression.

Dr. Irons concluded that Cole required intensive psychotherapy for at least five years.

Mr. Hector said his own inquires found Cole would give birth to her child in prison and be able to keep it there for one year.

After that time authorities would assess the situation.