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Reserve officers picking up the slack

As Bermuda deals with a shortage of Police constables, reserve officers are taking on more than parades and civic functions as criminals become more brazen.

The Royal Gazette joined two Police reserve constables on patrol this week to see the reserve constabulary from the inside.

P.c. Arnim Donawa and P.c. Tanya Burch defined their job that evening.

"Our role in this crime patrol is to work with CCTV and respond to activities. We try to stay in Central though we can be called to other areas,'' said P.c. Donawa.

"We try to pick up the slack,'' said P.c. Burch. "We respond to everything.'' Within a half hour of leaving the Police compound, P.c. Donawa had the Police car travelling at well over the speed limit in response to a suspected robbery on Parson's Road.

The constables received the call while approaching the roundabout at Trimingham Hill, but arrived at the laundromat on Parson's Road within a minute -- and well ahead of four other full-time Police units who also responded to the call.

When later asked if there was a friendly rivalry going on between the career officers and reserves, P.c. Donawa noted: "Well, rivalry refers to competition and we're not competing.'' The night's patrol also included two trips to the Admiralty House area of Pembroke within two hours.

The constables noted they visited the area regularly -- despite criticism from some residents who have said they rarely see officers there.

P.c. Burch noted: "It's not the most friendly spot.'' "We call into Operations every time we go here,'' added P.c. Donawa.

The officers saw suspicious activity during their second trip through the area, but continued on their way noting that being outnumbered three-to-one was not good odds.

"A lot of this job is judgment,'' said P.c. Donawa as his partner notified Operations of the activity.

"We'll be back with our friends,'' Burch whispered.

Police reserves are very active in the Island's service, with responsibilities in narcotics, criminal investigations and the marine section as well as crime patrol.

Reinforcements: Several new Police recruits arrived here Monday night from St.

Lucia. Commissioner of Police Jean-Jacques Lemay (third from left) and Chief Inspector and Officer in Charge of Training Vendal Bridgeman (far left) welcomed them to their new posting. The officers shown are Cletus Cyris, George Gasper, Joseph Lucan, Leroy Maturin and Kirley Mitchel.