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Residents upset about Police `speeding'

Police are using the freshly paved Frog Lane in Devonshire as a speedway, an area resident has claimed.

The resident, who asked not to be named, this week told The Royal Gazette he was awakened around 3 a.m. by the sound of some six Police motorcycles travelling at a high speed along the stretch between the National Stadium and Government's Frog Lane housing development.

"Police are flying along that road,'' he said.

Members of the Frog Lane Condominium Association lodged complaints with former Police Commissioners Lenny Edwards and Colin Coxall, he noted.

And he said both Police chiefs said they had received reports before and planned to take the matter up with officers.

But he added that residents had to again complain to Supt. Campbell Simons just before Christmas.

And with Frog Lane recently paved, there have been more incidents of Police speeding along that roadway.

"We thought it (Frog Lane) would be bad with the students (from CedarBridge Academy),'' he said. "But it is the Police we have to worry about.

"I don't want to see any of our residents getting hurt or a Police officer for that matter. But if nothing is done, somebody is going to get killed.

"All we're asking is for them to respect the road and when they get off from work to take their time.'' When contacted about the complaint, Police spokesperson Evelyn James Barnett said: "We can certainly empathise with and share the concerns of this gentleman if Police motorcycles are speeding along Frog Lane unnecessarily.

"Police are required and have been reminded under the new Speeding Directive to `drive according to the posted speed limits and ... use visual or audible emergency equipment only when attending an emergency; when involved in a pursuit; or to facilitate passage through heavy or congested traffic in situations when answering an urgent call'.'' Mrs. James Barnett said Police were also required to exercise good judgment, know their abilities and limit as drivers and to take into consideration the time of day, traffic and road conditions at all times.

"Prompt reaction by Police vehicles in pursuit of traffic offenders, particularly speeders and pack racers, however, still continues in efforts to uphold the traffic laws,'' she added.

"Traffic motorcyclists when thus actively engaged or when performing radar duties or other Police vehicles otherwise involved in traffic enforcement duties fall within this category.'' However, Mrs. James Barnett said: "Without knowing the specifics of this particular complaint, it would be difficult to comment further except to invite the gentleman to contact Ch. Insp. Larry Smith, under whose responsibility the Traffic Division falls, to discuss this in greater detail.''