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Row lands man in court

street and declared: "This is what I would like to do to you.'' Calvin Derosa snatched the glasses from Valerie Burgess' face during a furious row over their three-year-old son, Magistrates' Court heard.

Sgt. Wilbert McLean, prosecuting, said Miss Burgess fled into a lawyer's office shouting for help.

Derosa, of Whale Bay Road, yesterday admitted assault and unlawfully and wilfully destroying a pair of sunglasses.

Senior Magistrate the Wor. Will Francis fined him $150 on each count. "This kind of behaviour can get you into prison,'' he warned.

Sgt. McLean said Miss Burgess was approached by Derosa as she walked along Court Street. She ignored him -- but he pursued her, and pushed his bike beside her.

"He began raising his voice and using abusive language,'' said Sgt. McLean.

Derosa grabbed the sunglasses at the junction of Dundonald Street with Parliament Street. "He broke them by stamping on them with his feet, and said: `This is what I would like to do to you','' said Sgt. McLean.

Sgt. McLean said the pair's three-year-old child lay partly behind the row.

Derosa told the court Burgess was denying him access to his son.

"I support my child and I don't see why I can't see him.''