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Savage attack sparks calls to penalise dog owners

A pair of killer dogs ran loose through Smith's Parish yesterday morning and killed a cat before being corralled by a quick-thinking resident.

And the attack by the marauders has raised new fears and concerns among Knapton Hill residents who have been victims to similar attacks in the past.

The two dogs were captured by quick-thinking Knapton Hill resident Tab Froud after they had managed to kill one of his neighbours' beloved pets.

"This morning I was sitting off in my living room when my next door neighbour came over and told me there was a dog outside attacking our cat Ginger,'' said the neighbour, Carlos Estravit.

"I rushed outside and found a big dog like a Pitbull and a fox terrier standing over the cat. I chased them off and raced the cat to the vet but by the time I got there he was already dead.

"Ginger was 16 years old, he was a member of the family.'' Mr. Froud -- who himself lost a pet to a savage dog attack last April -- was at home with his sick daughter when the dogs appeared in his yard.

He quickly roped them up and called for the dog warden. He later discovered what had happened at Mr. Estravit's home.

Mr. Froud renewed calls for something to be done about the laws surrounding dogs which are unlicensed or kill another animal.

Last April, a Pitbull and a terrier came into his yard and killed the family cat.

"The same thing has happened again. It is time to get something done but it is so politically long-winded.

"I was sitting at home with my young daughter and all my doors open. If that type of dog had savaged a human, who knows what would happen.'' Mr. Estravit agreed: "These dogs have tags on them so someone should be held responsible. It could have quite easily been a child that they attacked.'' The owners of the dogs involved in last April's attacks were fined $500 apiece.

In a separate incident, a 46-year-old Somerset man reported to Police that he was bitten by a Pitbull puppy at around 6 p.m. on Thursday.

The man said he was sitting in his car outside the Somerset Pharmacy on Middle Road in Somerset when he noticed another man riding a pedal cycle while holding a rope attached to the young dog.

Apparently the rider hit the pup with a cane as they rode along and the victim, upset at the sight, spoke to the rider.

The man said the rider then swore at him and threatened to set his dog on him.

The dog was let loose and bit the man on his elbow as he sat in his car.

Somerset Police are eager to speak to anyone who might have witnessed the incident.