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Sonesta employees given stern warning about drugs

Management at Sonesta Beach Hotel are "desperately'' concerned about drug use and dealing among employees at the top South Shore resort.

Staff have been advised to inform the Police if they spot anyone selling drugs on the property.

In a newsletter circulated among staff this month, President and Managing Director of the hotel Mr. David Boyd said: "I'm going to write about a desperate concern of most of us at Sonesta; the use of illicit drugs on (the) property.

"It has been brought to my attention by a number of staff that drug use is occurring and the drugs are even available for sale at our hotel.

"As they have done to whole communities, drugs could cause the downfall of this resort and hurt all of us.

"I feel that it is not only management's responsibility or security's responsibility but the responsibility of every sober employee of the hotel to be aware of what is happening around us in relation to drug use.'' He added that drug use was a crime against employees, the hotel and would "destroy the fabric of our Sonesta community'' if employees ignored the problem.

Yesterday, Mr. Boyd claimed his message to staff was a preventative measure.

Drug use, he claimed, was not apparent in day-to-day dealings and management had so far received no complaints from staff.

At present there were no specific incidents or individuals the hotel was concerned about.

"From time to time hard issues have to be addressed,'' Mr. Boyd said. "We have to ask what our responsibilities are.'' He added that hotel's employees were in agreement with Sonesta's anti-drugs policy.

Staff are advised to urge those using drugs to contact Benedict, the hotel's Employee Assistance Programme. If they refused, the hotel's Human Resources should be called in to arrange for the EAP to intervene.

"We should feel a social responsibility to help with this problem,'' Mr. Boyd wrote. "If people are using drugs we want them to get help.'' Sonesta boss in drugs warning On whether the hotel had considered drug testing for employees following the recent examples of Belco and the Public Transportation Board, Mr. Boyd claimed the issue was not under discussion.

"It is something we would not entertain any thoughts of without serious conversation with the BIU,'' he said. "It has never been an issue at the hotel.'' "We are a thriving hotel doing very well and we don't want to let our guard down on what can be a very volatile issue. We want to tackle it before it becomes an issue. It is in everyone's best interest to be aware of what could happen.''